Thomas J. Hadican
St Louis Police Dept
EOW: Sunday, Sep 20, 1903
Age: 35
DOB: 1868
Tour: 8 years
Memorial Location

Officer Hadican died after falling from a streetcar. He was just finishing his shift at the Seventh District and jumped on the 4th Street streetcar to head towards his home. Because the streetcar was crowded he was forced to stand on the rear platform and hold onto a railing. The streetcar made a turn at a high rate of speed, at Fourth and Plum, throwing many passengers from their seats and jostled a crowd standing on the platform. Officer Hadican lost his grip on the street car railing and fell, striking his head on the pavement. He was rushed to City Hospital where he died from his injuries at 1:00 pm.

Officer Hadican was assigned to the Seventh District and had been with the agency for eight years. He was survived by his wife and several children. Interred: Calvary Cemetery, St Louis, MO.

Missouri Law Enforcement Memorial